Charge&GO Beograd handles the personal data of natural persons and processes them in accordance with the applicable regulations, primarily following the Personal Data Protection Law (The Official Gazette of RS, No. 87/2018). The aim of this policy is to explain in a clear, comprehensible and easily accessible way what personal data Charge&GO collects and for what purpose, how it protects the collected data and how persons whose personal data is processed can exercise their rights guaranteed by the Personal Data Protection Law .

In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law, the terms used have the following meaning:

Processing of personal data entails any action performed with personal data and/or their sets, automated or non-automated, such as collection, use, recording, sorting, grouping (structuring), storing, adapting, changing, revealing, transmitting, providing, making available for inspection, copying or duplicating, comparing, limiting, deleting or destroying, which Charge&GO does directly or through its partners and related parties.

Personal data is any data relating to a natural person whose identity is determined or determinable, directly or indirectly, especially on the basis of an identity marker, such as name and identification number, location data, identifiers in electronic communication networks or one, i.e. more features of their physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural and social identity;

The person to whom the data refers is any natural person whose personal data is processed by Charge&GO.

A special type of personal data is personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinion, religious or philosophical belief or trade union membership, as well as the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of unique identification of a person, data on health status or data on sexual life or sexual orientation of a natural person.

1. Implementation of the personal data protection policy

The personal data protection policy applies to all personal data of the person to whom the data relates and which Charge&GO processes and/or determines the purpose and method of processing. The personal data protection policy applies to all Charge&GO services and products, the use of which or the interest in using them involves the processing of personal data. If the basis of the processing is consent, the given consent to the processing of personal data also applies to all Charge&GO services and products used by the person who gave the consent.

The personal data protection policy is primarily intended and refers to natural persons who are interested in using and using electric vehicle charging services via  the Charge&GO online platform or application and/or natural persons who are interested in browsing the Charge&GO website or using other website functions.

The personal data protection policy does not apply to anonymized data (data based on which the identity of a person cannot be directly or indirectly determined), considering that anonymized data represents data that has been changed so that it cannot be linked to a specific natural person, so, in accordance with the current regulations, it is not considered personal data. Charge&GO processes personal data for different purposes, and the means of collection, the legal basis for processing, use, disclosure and retention periods may differ depending on the purpose.

2. Principles of personal data processing

In order to process personal data in a legal manner, Charge&GO will adhere to the following legal principles:

– Personal data is processed lawfully, fairly and transparently in relation to which the data relates, while data processing in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law is hereinafter referred to as legal processing;

– Personal data is collected for purposes that are specifically determined, explicit, justified and legal and cannot be processed in a way that is inconsistent with those purposes („limitation in relation to the purpose of processing“);

– Personal data that is processed must be appropriate, essential and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purpose of processing („data minimization“);

– Personal data that is processed must be accurate and, if necessary, updated, with the obligation to take reasonable measures to ensure that inaccurate personal data is deleted or corrected without delay („accuracy“);

– Personal data is stored in a form that enables the identification of the person only for the period necessary to achieve the purpose of the processing („storage limitation“);

– Personal data is processed in a way that ensures adequate protection of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or illegal processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage by applying appropriate technical, organizational and personnel measures („integrity and confidentiality“).

In order to fully comply with the legal principles of personal data processing, Charge&GO will:

– In a clear, simple and transparent manner, inform the persons to whom the data refer about the purpose of the processing and the legal basis for the processing and process personal data for purposes that are specifically determined, explicit, justified and legal;

– Process data that is necessary to provide the service to the person to whom the data refers, process data for which the processing is prescribed as a legal obligation of the operator, process data that is necessary for the realization of the legitimate interest of Charge&GO (in cases where that interest prevails over on the interest of the data subject), as well as carry out data processing based on the consent of the data subject.

In obtaining personal data, Charge&GO adheres to the principle of the minimum amount of data, for which reason only those personal data that are necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they are processed are collected, while any necessary additional personal data are obtained with the consent of the person to whom the data is being processed. Charge&GO ensures the accuracy of personal data by applying technical and organizational measures and periodically updating the data.

Data storage terms are determined in Charge&GO’s internal acts in order to ensure data storage for the period that is necessary to achieve the purpose of processing and that is in accordance with legal regulations. Charge&GO respects the principle of integrity and confidentiality of personal data and has implemented technical and organizational measures for the protection of personal data based on valid legal regulations, good business practices and internationally recognized standards in this area. Charge&GO can hire an entity to carry out personal data processing on the basis of a special contract prescribed by the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law, which specifically defines the duties of the data processor in terms of personal data protection.

3. Method of data collection

Charge&GO collects personal data if there is a legal basis prescribed by the Personal Data Protection Law, while data is collected directly by filling in (entering) data in the questionnaire by the person to whom the data relates during registration and/or application on the Charge&GO web platform or the Charge&GO application, for which reasons, does not have a physical archive of personal data.

During use, the Charge&GO application prevents the mobile device from going to sleep and accesses additional data necessary to provide electric vehicle charging services using the application, such as data on the user’s current location (approximate location determined via the mobile network and precise location determined via the mobile and GPS networks) and camera. Access and use of all the above data during the use of the Charge&GO application are approved by the user of the mobile device on which the application is installed. Apart from data on the location and start and end time of the electric vehicle charging session, any other data relevant to the provision of the service using the application is not stored after use.

Charge&GO uses Google Maps services. This allows us to display interactive maps directly on our application and ensures reliable map usage. When using Google Maps, the Google Terms of Service and the Additional Terms of Service of Google Maps/Google Earth apply, which can be accessed on the website via the link .

4. Types of data collected

Charge&GO collects and processes data submitted by the persons to whom the data refer by filling out forms on the Charge&GO website and/or application. The following categories of personal data are collected and processed, in relation to the various processing purposes, namely name and surname, email address, city/place of residence (for the purpose of sending a possibly ordered RFID card), mobile phone number, payment card data or other data that will be entered for a better user experience and personal identification, as well as other personal data for which there is a legal basis for their processing in accordance with the law.

5. Purposes for which personal data are used

Charge&GO collects and processes data for the purpose of identifying service users, contacting and maintaining relationships with users, for invoicing and debt collection, the introduction and development of charging services and other services provided by Charge&GO, monitoring the use of charging services, direct marketing, public opinion research and market research, as well as for other legitimate purposes.

Charge&GO processes the personal data of the person to whom the data refer only when such processing is legal. Processing is lawful in the following cases:

– Processing is necessary to provide a service to the person to whom the data refer or to undertake actions at the request of the person to whom the data refer;

– The processing is necessary in order to comply with the legal obligations of Charge&GO, which implies the obligation that the collected data be, if the legal requirements are met, submitted to the relevant state authorities based on their written request (Courts, Prosecutor’s Office, Municipal Police, Inspection Services, etc.) or that the competent authorities have access to certain data;

– Processing is necessary in order to achieve the legitimate interests of Charge&GO or a third party, except when those interests are stronger than the interests or the fundamental rights and freedoms of the person to whom the data refer, which require the protection of personal data and especially if the person to whom the data refer is minor. Under the legitimate interest of Charge&GO is meant especially processing that serves to improve the process, product development and business improvement, modernize services and offer products and services that are expected to improve business with Clients.

– The person to whom the data refers has given their consent to the processing of their personal data for one or more specific purposes, whereby this consent must be demonstrable and voluntary, written in an understandable language, and the person to whom the data refers has the possibility and legal the right to withdraw consent at any time.

– Processing is necessary for the vital interests of the person to whom the data refer or another natural person;

– The processing is necessary for the purpose of carrying out work in the public interest or the execution of Charge&GO’s statutory powers.

6. Automatic data processing

Charge&GO does not perform automatic data processing.

7. Access to personal data and to whom it may be forwarded

Only designated Charge&GO employees have access to personal data. Data access can also be provided by hired associates in accordance with the tasks entrusted to them by Charge&GO and only to the extent that it is minimally necessary, with the obligation to fully comply with Charge&GO’s normative acts in the field of personal data protection. Personal data is accessible to third parties outside of Charge&GO only in the following cases:

– if there is a legal obligation or express authorization based on the law (requirements of state authorities);

– if a third party who has the capacity of a data processor is engaged for the performance of certain tasks and who must act in everything in accordance with Charge&GO’s orders. In that case, Charge&GO ensures all the prescribed data protection measures as if it were doing this business independently;

– affiliated companies of Charge&GO under the condition of having an adequate legal basis (consent of the person or legitimate interest of Charge&GO);

– if the data needs to be forwarded in order to perform the service;

– to other persons outside Charge&GO to whom the person to whom the data refer has given express consent.

As a rule, Charge&GO processes personal data in the Republic of Serbia. Exceptionally, personal data may be processed in other countries or international organizations in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law.

8. Personal data protection method

Personal information is treated as a business secret and is classified as confidential information. Adequate protection measures are applied to personal data to protect the data from damage, unauthorized access, accidental loss, destruction, damage and any other threat to security. Charge&GO undertakes adequate measures to enable and monitor access and activities in information systems and the application of software solutions for the protection of information resources, as well as undertakes the required measures to fulfil the obligation of full legal action of all third parties who may acquire a legal right of access to personal data

In this sense, and considering as the personal data obtained during the use of the website and the Charge&Go application are not stored in physical form, the Charge&GO website and application are regularly checked to detect possible security risks and common dangers, while the system is regularly checked and updated to detect malware. Personal data is located behind secure networks and can only be accessed by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems and who are required to maintain the confidentiality of the data. All sensitive information (such as credit card numbers) is encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.

In the event of a personal data breach that results in or may result in the accidental or intentional destruction, loss, alteration or unauthorized disclosure of personal data during their processing, and which also may result in the emergence of high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons to whom the data refer, upon learning of such violation Charge&GO will immediately, without undue delay, inform the Commissioner and the person to whom the data refer in a clear and comprehensible manner, with the mandatory indication of the contact information of the authorized person for the personal data protection, a description of the possible consequences and a description of the measures taken.

In the event of a breach of personal data, Charge&GO will immediately take appropriate measures in order to prevent further damage to the rights and freedoms of the person to whom the data relates and reduce the consequences resulting from the breach.

9. Rights of persons to whom the data refer

Service users, potential users of services and other persons to whom personal data refer can exercise the following rights:

– The right to access personal data is the applicant’s right to obtain information about the existence of personal data processing related to him, the purpose of processing, the type of personal data being processed, the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data is disclosed or may be disclosed, about storage periods, about the existence of the right to request correction or deletion of personal data, that is, the right to limit the processing of such data, about the existence of the right to file a complaint with the Commissioner;

– The right to correction of personal data is the right for the person to whom the data refer to request the correction of incorrect or incomplete personal data;

– The right to limit the processing of personal data, namely: – when the accuracy of personal data is contested, data processing will be temporarily limited for a period sufficient to check the accuracy of personal data; – when there is no legal basis for the processing of personal data, and the person to whom the data relates opposes the deletion of data for the purpose of filing or defending legal claims; – when the data is no longer needed by Charge&GO to achieve the purpose of the processing, but the person to whom the data refers has requested it in order to submit, implement or defend a legal claim; – when an objection to the processing is filed, and an assessment is underway as to whether the legal basis for processing by Charge&GO outweighs the interests of that person;

– The right to object refers to the right of the person to whom the data relates to submit to Charge&GO at any time the legality of the processing of personal data established on the basis of the appropriate grounds for processing.

– The right to erasure („the right to be forgotten“), which can be exercised in the following cases: – personal data are no longer necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected or otherwise processed; – the person to whom the data refers revokes the consent on the basis of which the processing was carried out and there is no other legal basis for the processing; – the person to whom the data refer has filed an objection to the processing in accordance with the Law and there is no other legal basis for the processing that prevails over the legitimate interest, right or freedom of the person to whom the data refers; – personal data were illegally processed; personal data must be deleted in order to fulfil the legal obligations of the operator; – personal data are collected in connection with the use of information society services.

– The right to data portability is the right of a person who previously submitted their personal data to Charge&GO, in a structured, commonly used and electronically readable form, as well as the right to transfer this data to another operator without interfering with Charge&GO, provided that the processing is based on consent and that the processing is performed automatically.

10. Ways of exercising rights

The person to whom the data refers can personally or through an attorney exercise all rights related to personal data processed by Charge&GO at the premises of Charge&GO located in Belgrade (Rakovica), 22, Oslobođenja Street, as well as by sending complaints in electronic form to the email address .

All additional questions related to personal data processing, as well as questions related to the exercise of rights, can be directed to the person for the protection of personal data at the address: .

The request that is submitted should be legibly and properly filled out and signed, while the request that is submitted through the proxy must also be accompanied by a power of attorney certified by a notary public, which authorizes the proxy to take actions before Charge&GO in connection with the exercise of the rights prescribed by the Data Protection Law.

The signed request for the exercise of the rights of the person to whom the data refers is submitted at the premises of Charge&GO, which will respond to the request without delay and no later than within 30 days from the date of receipt of the complete and correct request, while taking into account the complexity and number of requests. If necessary, this deadline can be extended for another 60 days. Charge&GO will inform the person to whom the data refer about the extension of the deadline and the reasons for that extension within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request.

11. Filing a complaint to the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection

The supervisory body for the protection of personal data in the Republic of Serbia is the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Protection of Personal Data, 15, Kralja Aleksandra Boulevard, Belgrade.

The person to whom the personal data refers has the right to file a complaint with the Commissioner if they believe that the processing of their personal data by Charge&GO was in violation of the provisions of the Law. The person to whom the personal data relates has the right to judicial protection if they believe that, contrary to the Law, their rights prescribed by the Law have been violated by the handler or data processor by the action of processing their personal data. Filing a lawsuit in court does not affect the right of this person to initiate other administrative or judicial protection procedures.

Information about the personal data handler:

Charge&GO d.o.o. Belgrade (Rakovica), 22b Oslobođenja Street

Phone number: +381 11 715 85 98



Contact details of the personal data protection person

Ana Spasojevic

Email address:

Phone number: + 381 66 803 1 717


These General Terms of Use of the Charge&GO Platform and Mobile Application (hereinafter referred to as: General Terms and Conditions) regulate the relationship between the company Charge&GO d.o.o. Belgrade, 22b, Oslobođenja Street, Belgrade, business activity code 6201 – computer programming, company number 21709271, VAT number 112627756, contact: +381 66 803 1 700;  (hereinafter referred to as: Charge&GO) and users of the Charge&GO platform and mobile application, i.e. users of the time-use services for electric vehicle charging points provided by Charge&GO.


In regard to these General Conditions, the terms used have the following meanings:

– Service provider means Charge&GO, which provides its users with the services of using electric vehicle charging points, which independently or together with the owner of the charging station and/or charging point, determines the charging service prices that are prominently displayed on the Charge&GO platform for using electric vehicle charging points;

– The Charge&GO platform and mobile application is a digital platform and mobile application for using the services of time-limited charging points for electric vehicles.

– The service means the specific time use of the place for charging the electric vehicle batter that the Service Provider makes available to the User via the Charge&GO platform and mobile application;

– User means a natural person who is at least 18 years old and/or a legal entity, an entrepreneur or any business entity, who are owners and/or users of electric vehicles and to whom the Service Provider provides the service of time use of electric vehicle charging points. Users can be registered and unregistered users;

– Registered user means a natural person who has completed the registration procedure on the platform or application and who, via their user account, uses the Services under the conditions and in the manner provided for registered users;

– An unregistered user is a natural person who, without registration and having a user account, uses the Services under the conditions and in the manner provided for unregistered users;

– Postpaid user means entity (legal or physical) with whom the Service Provider has concluded an Agreement on the use of the Charge&GO pre-regional platform and mobile application with contracted postpaid payment. A postpaid user has the status of a registered user.

– Electric vehicle means an electric vehicle that fits the definition of an electric vehicle given in the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and the Council on the establishment of infrastructure for alternative fuels, as well as in accordance with domestic laws and regulations (or in the final version of the Directive);

– Charging point means a parking place where a charger for an electric car battery is installed, which enables direct charging of electric vehicles with electricity.

– Charging station means the entity of one or more electric vehicle charging points;

 – RFID card means the card delivered to the User that shows their identification at the charging station and/or charging point;

 – The general conditions and rules for using electric car charging points application mean the terms and rules for using the Services that are available on the website of the Service Provider or via the link charging-electric-vehicles/

 – The privacy policy means Charge&GO’s privacy policy in accordance with which Charge&GO processes personal data, following the Personal Data Protection Act, which is available on the website or the link -privacy-general-conditions/ .


The service provider is the owner of the Charge&GO platform and mobile application for iOS and ANDROID mobile phones, which is intended to provide services of time-limited use of electric car charging stations/points to Users. The provision of services is carried out in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy and the General Terms of Use of the Charging Station. Before using the Service, the User has to familiarize themselves with and agree to all the General Terms and Conditions of the Service Provider, including the Service Provider’s Privacy Policy, in accordance with which the User’s personal data is processed.

The use of the Charge&GO mobile application itself is free of charge to the Service Provider. The User agrees that the use of the online infrastructure for downloading the application, including its use in real time, is settled by the Internet access service provider at the prices agreed by the User. The User releases the Service Provider from any responsibility for guaranteeing the availability of the Internet, considering that the Service Provider has no control over it.

The service of using a charging point for electric vehicles via the Charge&GO platform according to the type and power of the charger is shown on the platform and the Charge&GO application for each individual charger. Charges at a charging point may differ depending on whether you are a registered user or a non-registered user using the one-time payment option. Charges for using the charging point are always displayed before the start of the charging session itself.

Users may use the Services as unregistered or registered Users. Registered users are obliged to use the Charge&GO platform and/or mobile application, as well as the charging points themselves, in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions of use of charging points that apply to registered users, otherwise, the system will record them as unregistered users and they will be able to use the Services exclusively under the conditions provided for unregistered users.


An unregistered user accesses the Service at the desired charging point by scanning the QR code of that charging point, or by entering the ID number of the desired charging point on the page on the website The unregistered user is hereby informed of these General Terms and Conditions, the General Terms and Conditions and Rules of Use of the charging point, as well as its Privacy Policy. After agreeing to the stated General Terms and Privacy Policy, the unregistered user enters their email address and from there the website directs them to the payment page where they leave their payment card details.

After using the charging point, the payment card is debited for the charging amount and a fiscal invoice is sent via an email.

The registered user accesses the Service at the desired charging point by selecting the charging point on the Charge&Go platform and/or mobile application via their user account, or by using an RFID card issued by the Service Provider.

If identification via RFID card was selected during registration, the Service Provider will deliver the RFID card to the User by snail mail to the indicated postal address. Issuance of an RFID card is charged in accordance with the Service Provider’s valid price list, together with the subscription amount.

The User is fully responsible for the use and storage of the RFID card issued in their name during the period of validity of the RFID card and assumes responsibility for any misuse of the same that can be attributed to the User’s fault. The User is obliged to notify the Provider without delay in case of loss of the RFID card. Upon receipt of the notification, the Service Provider will block the card and the User will be issued a new RFID card at the price specified in the Provider’s price list. In the event that the User does not report the loss of the RFID card in a timely manner, they bear full responsibility for possible misuse and use of the RFID card until the moment of reporting the loss of the RFID card to the Service Provider.

Postpaid users, i.e. persons authorized by them to access the basic account of postpaid users, access the Service in the same way as registered users.

The Charge&GO mobile application allows registered users to do the following:

  • use and pay for the service of using electric vehicle charging points at preferential, 20% lower prices provided for registered users;
  • use maps showing available stations/points for electric vehicle charging;
  • defining and managing the code for accessing the payment application;
  • sending a fiscal invoice for the used services to the user’s email address;
  • creating a user account where the user can see all the data pertaining to their user account and the history of all electric vehicle charging transactions;
  • issuing and emailing of a fiscal invoice for payment by company card by entering the company’s VAT number in the user account;
  • changing the payment card linked to the user account;
  • ordering an RFID card in accordance with the valid price list;
  • reviewing and modifying user data entered in the user account;
  • deleting the account in case the user stops using the application

The Charge&GO mobile application enables unregistered users to:

  • receive a fiscal invoice for the used services to the user’s email address

Charge&GO users can download the mobile application from the Google Play online store if they have an Android operating system or from the Apple Store if they use an IOS operating system.

User registration is done through the mentioned application. During registration, the User has to agree to the processing of personal data entered in the application itself, which is carried out in accordance with the Law on the Processing of Personal Data, as well as the Service Provider’s Privacy Policy.

Unregistered users can use the Charge&GO mobile application by selecting the „Continue as unregistered user“ option.


By accepting the General Terms and Conditions, the User agrees and confirms that they will use the application and the Internet solely at their own risk, as well as that the Service Provider does not give any guarantees or take responsibility for any possible damages that the User suffers when using the application and the Internet. By accepting the General Terms and Conditions, the User agrees and confirms that they are aware of the fact that the Service Provider does not provide any guarantees of Internet availability and that the Internet availability is not under the Service Provider’s control, and accordingly releases the Service Provider from any responsibility for guaranteeing Internet availability.

By downloading and installing the application, the User accepts all risks that may arise from its use and undertakes to use the content of the application exclusively for personal purposes and at their own risk. The User is obliged to take action within their power to prevent third parties from gaining possession of the device on which the application is installed, including unauthorized access to their personal account on the Charge&GO mobile application.

By accepting the General Terms and Conditions, the user acknowledges and agrees that the Service Provider will in no case be held responsible for any possible damage caused by unauthorized access and use of mobile phones, computers or other devices on which the Charge&GO web platform or mobile application is installed, including unauthorized access to personalized user data saved within the applications on the mentioned devices.

Password protection on the application is enabled and contained in the settings and the User chooses the password during the installation of the application. The User is responsible for the password storage and confirms that they are aware of the fact that the Service Provider is not aware of, nor does store the data on chosen passwords.

The user undertakes to use all services and application services exclusively in accordance with their purpose and to refrain from any actions that could endanger their normal operation.

Upon registration, the registered user will be presented with the General Terms and Conditions for the use of electric vehicle charging points on the platform, as well as these General Terms and Conditions for the use of the platform and mobile application. By ticking the provided fields, the User declares that they are familiar with and agree to the processing of personal data that they enter into the application, in accordance with the Privacy Policy, and accept the GENERAL TERMS AND RULES FOR THE USE OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING POINTS, as well as these TERMS FOR THE USE OF THE PLATFORM AND MOBILE APPLICATION.

After selecting the desired charger, the unregistered user will be directed to the page for entering his/her email, where he/she consents to the processing of personal data and accepts the GENERAL TERMS AND RULES FOR THE USE OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING POINTS, as well as these TERMS OF USE OF THE PLATFORM AND MOBILE APPLICATIONS.


The User is obliged to enter correct, true and complete data when registering and creating their user account. In the event of a change in the entered data, the User is obliged to enter the resulting changes in their user account without delay. The User guarantees the accuracy of the data entered in the application and accordingly releases the Service Provider from all legal and financial consequences due to the violation of this obligation.

The User guarantees the accuracy of the personal data that they directly submitted. The use of the application is permitted to persons who are 18 years of age or older. The Service Provider does not under any circumstances undertake to check the age of the User, nor does the Service Provider assume any responsibility in case of abuse.

The User undertakes to refrain from any actions that could be classified as intentional abuse and the execution of fraudulent actions and agrees not to use or attempt to use someone else’s user account and/or access someone else’s personal data.

The User agrees not to use reverse engineering, reverse assembly, disassembly, decoding or any other means to discover the source code of the application or any related technology.

The Service Provider undertakes to protect the privacy of all Users. More about the method of data storage in the Service Provider’s Privacy Policy.


If there is a temporary termination and/or restriction of the use of the application for technical and/or security reasons, information about this termination or restriction will be sent to registered users via email, to the email address that the User provides to the Service Provider in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions.


Unregistered user

The Unregistered User pays in several steps. After entering the payment card data, the validity of the payment card is verified. Please note that the verification of the validity of the payment card is charged RSD 5.00 and this amount will not be charged to the User.

After verifying the validity of the payment card, the user enters the amount of „reserved top-up funds“ that serves to check the availability of reserved funds on the card. The minimum amount of reserved funds that the User can enter is RSD 2,000.00. The User can also enter a higher amount at their own discretion.

The amount of the entered reserved funds must be RSD 200 higher than the planned top-up session (e.g. If the User has entered the amount of RSD 3000, they can use the top-up service up to a maximum amount of RSD 2.800, whereby the amount of RSD 2.800 will be charged).

In the case of using the Service in an amount smaller than the minimum, or a higher than entered amount of reserved funds, only the amount corresponding to the value of the actual Service provided will be deducted from the User’s card (e.g. if the User used the minimum amount of reserved funds to check the availability of funds, i.e. RSD 2,000.00, and used the Service in the amount of RSD 1,200.00, the amount for which his card will be debited is RSD 1,200.00).

After using the charging point, the payment card is debited for the charging amount and a fiscal invoice is sent to the designated email address.

Registered user

By successfully completing the user account registration, which entails creating an account on the platform, entering payment card information and paying the initial fee in the amount of RSD 3,000.00, as well as starting to use the charging service, the user agrees to all the conditions and payment procedure for the electric vehicle charging service. From the first use of the charging service, each end user confirms that they are familiar with the provisions of these General Conditions and the price list of services, that is, the User agrees with the charging price at the charging points where they will use the specified service.

The use of the electric vehicle charging service is, as a rule, charged by deducting from the User’s account in the amount corresponding to the performed individual charging session at a specific point for charging electric cars. After each individual use of an electric car charging point, the user expressly agrees that Charge&GO will send them an electronic fiscal invoice via e-mail. Transaction data is also displayed in the ChargeGO app at the end of an individual electric vehicle charging session and is always available within the same charge on the user’s account.

During registration, the user can enter the company card data and is also obliged to enter the company’s VAT number. After the use of the charging point, a fiscal invoice with the stated VAT number will be delivered to the User’s email. The User can change the card on their account at any time (from personal to company card or vice versa, including changing one personal card to another). This can be done independently on the user account or by contacting the Service Provider via email

Electric vehicle charging service charges per minute of charging. Charging starts the moment when the User authorizes themselves on the charger via their user account, either by activating it via a mobile application or a web platform or RFID card, after which the charging equipment is connected to the vehicle. The User finishes charging in the same way as they started charging – via the mobile application, web platform or an RFID card, by pressing the button to end the charging session in the application or platform, or by bringing the RFID card to the charger, after which they have to pull out the charging port from the vehicle and return it to the charging station. The user is obliged to refrain from any activity on the electric vehicle during the charging of the battery of the electric vehicle, considering that the charging service may stop due to any activity on the vehicle.

The User agrees that in case the available amount on their user account is below RSD 1,000 at any time, a top-up of RSD 3,000 is automatically charged from the specific user’s payment card to their user account.

The User has the option, at their own discretion, to do an automatic top-up, by transferring an additional payment in the amount of RSD 3,000 from their payment card to their user account, in accordance with the payment amount options presented on the user website after logging in to the account (so-called automatic top-up).

The User is responsible for the use of electric vehicle charging services that are carried out via their user account, regardless of which person actually used the specific service and their user account. In case of misuse of the user account, the end user who believes that their user account has been misused is obliged to settle all costs for services performed before the services (and the user account) are blocked until the moment when the Service Provider receives the information from that User about the misuse. The same applies to all other costs incurred due to the loss or theft of user devices on which the application is installed, usernames and passwords, loss of RFID cards and the like.

Postpaid user

The postpaid user makes the payment as per the conditions agreed in the contract concluded between the Service Provider and the Postpaid User.

The Service Provider stores and processes data on completed transactions, i.e. on services used, which it needs to collect claims from the User. The Service Provider handles the aforementioned data on completed transactions in accordance with the law governing personal data protection.

All payments will be made in the local currency of the Republic of Serbia – Dinar (RSD). For an informative display of prices in other currencies, the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia is applied. The amount charged on the User’s payment card will be expressed in the User’s local currency through conversion at the exchange rate used by the payment card organizations, which the Service Provider does not know at the time of the transaction. As a result of this conversion, there is a possibility of the price being slightly different from the original price listed on our website.

The use of the service cannot be paid for in cash.

Important information

When simultaneously charging two vehicles at the same time, the charging session is made at the corrected price, i.e. the price is reduced by 50% for each vehicle. The reduced price in case of simultaneous charging of two vehicles at the same charger will be shown on the fiscal invoice. For the avoidance of doubt, the reduced price applies exclusively to the time of simultaneous charging, if one vehicle starts charging independently, and an additional vehicle is subsequently connected to charging, the price will be reduced only for the duration of the simultaneous charging of two electric vehicles.

Fees for using the service include value added tax. Value added tax is calculated in accordance with the Law on Value Added Tax.

The Service Provider reserves the right to invoice the User subsequently for the use of the Services, including the use of the Roaming service by the postpaid User, which was not invoiced for technical reasons. In this case, the Service Provider will inform the User and/or the Postpaid User about the subsequent invoicing and the details of the specific service that was not charged in a timely manner. The specific service that remained unpaid due to a technical error will be, in any case, shown in the User’s charging history, available on their user account.

When entering payment card data, confidential information is transmitted via a public network in a protected (encrypted) form using the SSL protocol and the PKI system by using the latest cryptographic technology. Data security during purchases is guaranteed by the payment card processor, so the entire payment process is carried out in a secure environment. Payment card information is not available to our system at any moment.

Fee for occupying a parking space or not using the charger – IDLE FEE

In addition to the fee for using the service, the User may be charged an additional fee in the event that the electric vehicle remains connected to the charger after the end of the charging session (the so-called IDLE FEE). The IDLE FEE will be free of charge for the first 15 (fifteen) minutes, after the charging session is over, while after the 15 minutes have expired, a fee of RSD 5,00 will be charged for each started minute, until the User turns off this vehicle from the charger, i.e. pull the charging cable out of electric vehicle and free up a parking space. IDLE FEE will be charged from the user’s payment card, and by accepting these General Terms and Conditions, the User agrees to the IDLE FEE charge in case of leaving the vehicle connected to the charger and after the charging session is completed.


As an internationally recognized operator, Charge&GO offers its registered users the option to activate an additional service (the so-called Roaming service).

Roaming service includes the possibility of using charging points for electric vehicles in European countries.

The fee for activated Roaming service, i.e. the fee for using charging points in European countries is determined by applying the price of other operators that are valid and applied for specific charging points in European countries at the time of using the charging point/station abroad, and the same may be higher that those fees for the provision of regular services in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions. 

Registered users (users with already exsiting account) can activate the Roaming service by sending an email to . 

The Postpaid User releases the Service Provider from any responsibility for guaranteeing the availability of charging points in all European countries, given that the Service Provider has no control over this. The User can check active charging points in real time in European countries via the Charge&GO platform and mobile application.

A registered user can use the Roaming service for a maximum of 40 minutes, after which charging session is stopped. After the payment for charging through the Roaming service, the registered user can access charging again for a maximum duration of 40 minutes. For the avoidance of doubt, each charge through the Roaming service can only last a maximum of 40 minutes, and the possibility of recharging is enabled after the charge has been made.

The User undertakes to use electric vehicle charging points in European countries in the manner and in accordance with the instructions of other operators and/or charging point owners of the respective charging points.

The Service Provider reserves the right to charge for the use of electric car charging points in European countries that, for technical reasons, was not invoiced to the User immediately after the Service was provided.


If the User believes that there are irregularities in the calculation of the Services’ fee or account data or believes that there are other irregularities in connection with the use of the Services, the User has to file a complaint.

The User can lodge a complaint by sending it to the e-mail address:  or by calling +381 66 803 1 700 or +381 11 715 85 99.

The complaint must contain a precise description of irregularities in the calculation of the Services’ fee or other reason for the complaint and adequate evidence by which the User proves the irregularities. The complaint must be sent directly by the user of the specific service in connection with which the complaint is lodged.

The deadline for responding to a complaint is 8 days from the day of its receipt, while the deadline for resolving a complaint is 30 days from the day of its receipt. If, for objective reasons, the Service Provider is not able to satisfy the User’s request within the agreed time limit, the Service Provider has to inform the User about the extension of the deadline for resolving the complaint and specify the deadline in which the Service Provider will resolve the complaint, as well as obtain the User’s consent.

In case the complaint is accepted and the User who previously paid with one of the payment cards is refunded, partially or in full, regardless of the reason for the refund, Charge&GO is obliged to make the refund exclusively via VISA, EC/MC and Maestro payment methods, which means that the bank will refund the money to the card user’s account at the request of the Service Provider.


The User has the right to request the deletion of their user account at any time and is obliged to pay all outstanding amounts owed to the Service Provider. A User who wants to delete their user account does so by selecting the „delete account“ option on the Charge&GO platform or mobile application. Upon receipt of the request to delete the user’s account, the Service Provider checks the balance of the account and begins the process of debt collection or refunding the remaining amount on the account. In the event that the User has unused funds available on their user account, the Service Provider will refund the unused funds to the User within 7 (seven) days from the date of the cancellation of the User account. A maximum of 10 days may pass from receiving the request to delete the account to actually deleting it.

By deleting a user account at the User’s request, all data related to their user account is also deleted, including but not limited to: all collected personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy, data on charging sessions of the specific User, etc. The Service Provider will not have the data related to the specific User at their disposal and will not be able to solve any complaint that the User may file in connection with the Services provided after the account has been deleted. In case the user’s account is deleted, the User is obliged to file any complaints, at the latest, at the same time as the request to delete the account. Deletion of the user’s account in the event that the User has filed a specific complaint will be suspended until the specific complaint is resolved.

A user who has deleted their user account can re-register and activate a new user account at any time in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions.


 Documents, data and information published on the application may not be reproduced, distributed or in any way used for commercial purposes or in any way that may cause damage to Charge&GO or any third party.


 The Service Provider can at any time change the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, the prices of the Services, the offer of the specified services as well as their content. In case of changes, the Service Provider will inform the Users about all changes made, by publishing a relevant notice on its website, if necessary, and in accordance with the specific circumstances, by means of an electronic written notification or in the application itself.

The Service Provider reserves the right to update and modify the Charge&GO platform and application by changing its content without specifically notifying the User.

In the event that any part of these General Terms and Conditions is found to be inappropriate or invalid, this will not affect the rest of its provisions, which will continue to apply.

The relations between the User and the Service Provider are regulated by the positive regulations of the Republic of Serbia. A Belgrade court will process all mutual disputes that cannot be resolved by agreement.

These General Terms and Conditions enter into force on 9th February, 2024.